Wheels on a skateboard come in all shapes and sizes. Depending on the size of the wheel, they will offer different types of ride feel and performance. Larger wheels provide a more stable ride, while smaller wheels offer more agility and control.

So how do you figure out which wheel size is best for you? By measuring them, of course! In this post, we’ll show you how to measure your skateboard wheels so you can find the right size for your needs.

3 Common Ways To Measured Skateboard Wheels

There are a few different ways to measure skateboard wheels.

  1. The most common way is to measure the diameter of the wheel. This is the distance from one side of the wheel to the other, across the center.
  2. You can also measure the width of the wheel, which is the distance from one edge of the wheel to the other.
  3. Finally, you can measure the circumference of the wheel, which is the distance around the outside edge of the wheel.

To get an accurate measurement, you’ll need to use a ruler or tape measure. Place the ruler on the ground next to the wheel, and make sure it’s level. Then, measure from one side of the wheel to the other, across the center. For width, measure from one edge of the wheel to the other. And for circumference, measure around the outside edge of the wheel.

Once you have your measurement, you can use it to find the right size wheel for your skateboard. Most wheels are available in a range of sizes, from small (50-53mm) to large (60mm and up).

What size skateboard wheels are available and how to measure them in inches?

The most common sizes for skateboard wheels are 50mm, 52mm, 54mm, and 56mm. You can also find wheels that are 60mm and up. The width of the wheel is usually between 31mm and 45mm. And the circumference is typically between 101.6mm and 127mm.

To convert millimeters to inches, divide the measurement by 25.4. For example, a 50mm wheel is approximately 2 inches in diameter. A 54mm wheel is approximately 2.1 inches in diameter. And a 56mm wheel is approximately 2.2 inches in diameter.

As for width, a 31mm wheel is approximately 1.2 inches wide. A 33mm wheel is approximately 1.3 inches wide. And a 45mm wheel is approximately 1.8 inches wide.

When it comes to circumference, a 101.6mm wheel is approximately 4 inches in circumference. A 110mm wheel is approximately 4.3 inches in circumference. And a 127mm wheel is approximately 5 inches in circumference.

To sum it up, here are some of the most common sizes for skateboard wheels and their measurements:

  1. 50mm: 2 inches in diameter, 1.2-1.3 inches wide, 4 inches in circumference
  2. 52mm: 2.1 inches in diameter, 1.2-1.3 inches wide, 4.3 inches in circumference
  3. 54mm: 2.2 inches in diameter, 1.3-1.4 inches wide, 4.5 inches in circumference
  4. 56mm: 2.3 inches in diameter, 1.4-1.5 inches wide, 4.7 inches in circumference
  5. 60mm: 2.4 inches in diameter, 1.6 inches wide, 5 inches in circumference

As you can see, there is a wide range of sizes available for skateboard wheels. And, the size that’s right for you will depend on your skating style and what type of performance you’re looking for.

Factors Affected On Skateboard Wheels Size & Shape

Factors Affected On Skateboard Wheels Size & Shape

There are a few factors that can affect the size and shape of your skateboard wheels.

  • The first is the width of your deck. If you have a wide deck, you’ll need larger wheels to prevent your wheels from rubbing against the sides of your deck when you turn.
  • Another factor that can affect wheel size is the type of skating you’re doing. For example, if you’re doing street skating, you’ll need smaller wheels for better maneuverability. And if you’re doing downhill racing, you’ll need larger wheels for stability and speed.
  • Finally, the terrain you’re skating on can also affect wheel size. If you’re skating on smooth concrete, you’ll need smaller wheels. But if you’re skating on rougher surfaces like dirt or gravel, you’ll need larger wheels to prevent your wheels from getting stuck.

The different types of hardness for skateboard wheels and what does that means for your ride?

Skateboard wheels come in a range of hardness or durometers. These wheels are great for street skating because they’re very maneuverable. However, they’re not the best choice for rough terrain because they can get damaged easily.

On the other hand, softer wheels are typically between 78A and 86A. These wheels are better for rougher terrain because they’re more durable. But they’re not as maneuverable as harder wheels, so they’re not the best choice for street skating.

Wheel Durometers – A, B, C, D, and F scales & How to select the best wheel for yourself?

The hardness of a skateboard wheel is measured on the Shore scale, which goes from 0 to 100. The different letters represent different hardness levels:

  1. A Scale: The hardest level typically used for street skating
  2. B Scale: A softer level used for rough terrain
  3. C Scale: An even softer level used for very rough terrain
  4. D Scale: The softest level for sandy or grassy terrain
  5. F Scale: The softest level used for indoor skating

As you can see, there is a wide range of hardness available for skateboard wheels. And the hardness that’s right for you will depend on the type of skating you’re doing and the terrain you’re skating on.

If you’re street skating, you’ll want to choose harder wheels. But if you’re skating on rougher terrain, you’ll want to choose softer wheels.

Finally, the durometer of your wheels will also affect how fast they roll. Harder wheels will roll faster than softer wheels. So, if you’re looking for a fast ride, you’ll want to choose harder wheels. But if you’re looking for a smoother ride, you’ll want to choose softer wheels.

When it comes to skateboard wheels, there are a lot of choices. But, with a little bit of research, you should be able to find the right wheels for your skating style and needs.

Benefits of using wider skateboard wheels for cruising and street skating?

Wider skateboard wheels have a few benefits for cruising and street skating.

  • First, they provide more stability. This is because there is more contact between the board and the ground, which makes it less likely to wobble.
  • Second, wider wheels roll over small obstacles more easily. This is because they have a larger diameter, which means they can roll over things that would stop a smaller wheel.
  • Finally, wider wheels are more comfortable to ride. This is because they provide a smoother ride, which is more gentle on your feet and legs.
  • If you’re looking for a stable, comfortable, and smooth ride, then wider skateboard wheels are the way to go.


Are 54mm wheels good for street skating?

54mm wheels are a good choice for street skating. They’re typically between 90A and 100A, which makes them very maneuverable.

Are skateboard wheels measured in diameter?

No, skateboard wheels are not measured in diameter. They’re typically between 50mm and 60mm.

What size did wheels go with an 8.0 deck?

There is no definitive answer to this question. It depends on your personal preference and skating style.


Skateboard wheels are measured in millimeters. The larger the number, the bigger the wheel. If you’re looking for a new set of wheels, it’s important to know what size your board is and what size wheel will fit.

This measurement is taken from one side of the wheel to the other. The width of a skateboard wheel is also measured in inches and this is the distance between the two edges of the wheel.

Keep in mind that different riding styles require different sizes of wheels, so make sure to do your research before making a purchase.


Hi! I'm Betty Rook, author of SkateboardScan.com and longboarding expert. I've been skating for over 10 years and love everything about it-the speed, the tricks and the rush of adrenaline. My mission is to help others experience the same joys that I have through my writing and advice. When I'm not skating, you can find me reading or spending time with my husband and dog. Thanks for stopping by!