Skateboarding is a fun hobby for many people but some might not know that it is also considered a mode of transportation. 

When most people think of skateboarding they think of kids skating in the street. Skating in the street can be dangerous so you need to know the laws in your area before you head out. In some places skating in the street is illegal while other areas only have certain restrictions.

But is it illegal to skateboard in the street? Read on to find out more about the laws governing skateboarding and where you can and can’t skateboard legally.

What is the Law in your State or Municipality about Skating in the Street?

In some states, like California, skateboarding is only allowed in certain areas. This is because skating in the street can be dangerous for both skaters and motorists.

In other states, like Florida, there are no specific laws against skateboarding on the street. However, there are often specific areas where skating is allowed such as skate parks or dedicated skate lanes. 

So, it depends on where you live. Always check with your local law enforcement before skating in the street to make sure you are not breaking any laws.

How can you Skate Safely on the Street?

To skate safely in the street you should always be aware of your surroundings and skate defensively. Be sure to wear protective gear such as a helmet, elbow, knee pads, and wrist guards.

If you must skate in the street try to skate during off-peak hours when there is less traffic. Avoid skating in heavy traffic areas altogether if possible. When crossing streets always look both ways before proceeding and use crosswalks whenever possible.

When skating in traffic be sure to yield to pedestrians and cars. Never skate on wet or icy surfaces. Use caution when skating near curbs, manholes, and other obstacles. Always skate in control and within your abilities. If you are not comfortable skating in the street consider using a skate park or another designated skating area.

If you are skating in a group be sure to stay together and watch out for each other. One person should be designated as the lookout and everyone should skate in the same direction. Most importantly, never assume that drivers can see you always assume they cannot and skate accordingly.

What are Some of the Benefits of Skating on the Street?

The benefits of skating in the street are as follows:

  1. Skating helps improve your balance and coordination.
  2. Skating in the street gives you a better workout than skating in a park or on a path because of all the obstacles you have to avoid.
  3. Street skating builds confidence because you have to be able to react quickly to your surroundings.
  4. Skating in the street can be a great way to meet new people and make new friends.
  5. Street skating is a great way to see your city from a different perspective.
  6. Skating in the street can be a great form of transportation it’s faster than walking and doesn’t require you to wait for a bus or train.
  7. Street skating is a great way to get some fresh air and vitamin D (from the sun).
  8. Skating is a low-impact activity, so it’s gentle on your joints.
  9. Skating is a great way to relieve stress and clear your head.
  10. Skating is just plain fun!

What are Some of the Dangers of Skating on the Street?

Some of the dangers of skating in the street include:

  • Cars and other Vehicles: When skating on the street skaters are at risk of being hit by cars and other vehicles. This is especially true if the skater is not paying attention to their surroundings or if the driver of the vehicle is not paying attention to the skater.
  • Pavement: Skating on pavement can be dangerous because it can cause scrapes, cuts, and bruises. Pavement can also be uneven, which can cause a skater to trip and fall.
  • Curbs: Curbs can be dangerous for skaters because they can trip them up or cause them to fall.
  • Gaps on the Sidewalk: Sidewalks often have gaps between the slabs of concrete. These gaps can be dangerous for skaters.
  • Objects in the Street: There are often objects in the street that can be dangerous for skaters, such as potholes, glass, and debris.
  • Weather conditions: Skating in the street can be more dangerous during certain weather conditions, such as when it is raining or snowing.
  • Nighttime: Skating in the street at night can be especially dangerous because it is harder for drivers to see skaters and for skaters to see obstacles in their path.
  • Alcohol and drugs: Skating while under the influence of alcohol or drugs can impair a skater’s judgment and make them more likely to take risks that could lead to injury.
  • Skating without proper safety gear: Wearing proper safety gear, such as a skateboard helmet and pads, can help reduce the risk of injury when skating in the street.
  • Skating in an unauthorized area: Skating in an area that is not meant for skating, such as on a busy road or in a park after hours, can be dangerous because there may be more obstacles or traffic to contend with.

Skateboarding is a fun activity, but it’s important to be aware of the dangers that come with skating in the street. Always skate responsibly and be aware of your surroundings to avoid any accidents.

How can you make your Community more Skate-Friendly?

There are a few things that can be done to make a community more skate-friendly:

Provide Skate Parks or Skateable Areas:

Providing skate parks or skateable areas is one of the best ways to make a community more skate-friendly. Skate parks provide a place for skaters to go where they can practice their skills and enjoy the sport.

They also give skaters a sense of belonging and community. When there are skate parks in a community it shows that the community values and supports skating.

Events or Programs that Encourage Skating:

Having events or programs that encourage skating is another great way to make a community more skate-friendly. Events like skate contests, clinics, or demonstrations can get people interested in skating. They can also show skaters that the community supports them and wants them to succeed.

Educate the public about the benefits of skating:

Educating the public about the benefits of skating and how to do it safely is another important way to make a community more skate-friendly. When people understand the benefits of skating they are more likely to support it.

And when they know how to skate safely they are less likely to be injured. Skating is a great way to exercise, socialize, and have fun. Everyone must understand these benefits so that more people will give skating a try. But it’s worth it because skating can make a community a better place to live.

FAQs – Skateboarding in the Street

Can you skateboard anywhere?

Skateboarding is generally prohibited in public places like on sidewalks or in parking lots. However, there are some skate parks where skateboarding is allowed. You can also skateboard on private property with the owner’s permission.

Where is skateboarding banned?

There is no universal answer to this question as each city or town has its laws and regulations regarding skateboarding. However, some general trends can be observed.

For example, skateboarding is often banned in high-traffic areas such as downtown districts or near busy intersections as it can pose a safety hazard to both skateboarders and pedestrians. Additionally, skateboarding may also be prohibited in public parks or on school grounds.

Why is skateboarding banned?

There are a few reasons why skateboarding might be banned in certain areas.

  1. One reason is public safety concerns. Skateboarding can be dangerous, and when skateboarders are not following the rules of the road they can pose a serious hazard to themselves and others.
  2. Another reason why skateboarding might be banned is because of property damage concerns. When skateboarders ride on property that is not their own they can damage public or private property. This can be a costly problem for the property owner and it can also lead to liability issues.
  3. Finally, some people simply don’t like the look of skateboarding in their community and they see it as a nuisance. This can lead to bans in public places, such as parks or sidewalks.

How fast can a skateboard go?

The answer to this question depends on several factors including the type of skateboard, the quality of the wheels, and the skill of the rider.

A professional speed skater can reach speeds of up to 35 miles per hour on a specially designed board while a beginner might only be able to go 10 miles per hour. In general, a skateboard can reach speeds of 20-30 miles per hour.

How loud are skateboards?

Skateboards can be quite loud, especially when ridden on rough surfaces. The wheels can produce a lot of noise, and the deck itself can also make noise if it is not properly maintained.

If you are concerned about the noise level of your skateboard you may want to consider using softer wheels or investing in a good-quality deck. You can also try to avoid riding your skateboard on rough surfaces whenever possible.

What is the law of skateboarding?

There is no universal law governing skateboarding, as each municipality has its own set of rules and regulations. However, some general laws apply in most places.

For example, it is usually illegal to ride a skateboard on public sidewalks or in other areas where pedestrians are present. Skateboarders also need to be careful when riding in traffic, as they are considered vehicles and must obey all traffic laws.

Lastly, it is important to wear proper safety gear when skateboarding, such as a helmet and elbow and knee pads.

Final Thought

Skateboarding in the street is not illegal. However, some laws and ordinances may restrict skateboarding in specific areas. For example, some cities have banned skateboarding in certain areas like downtown or near schools.

There are dangers associated with skating in the street, so always use caution and obey all traffic laws when skating in any area outside of a designated skatepark. It’s important to check with your local government to see if there are any restrictions on skateboarding before you start skating.


Hi there! My name is James Harris, a professional snowboarder and an instructor but most importantly - I'm a mountain lover! Skiing is my passion and I love to spend as much time on the slopes as possible. When I'm not shredding the gear, you can find me hanging out with my wife and kids. They are my world!