There is a lot of confusion about whether or not you can use skateboard wheels on roller skates. And the answer is… It depends. 

Some people say it’s a waste of time, while others claim that it makes skating a lot more fun. Most Rollerblade wheels are designed to fit onto standard roller skates but some skateboard wheels may be too large or too small.

If your skateboard wheels don’t fit properly on your roller skates they could fly off while you’re skating which could lead to a nasty fall. 

So, if you’re thinking about using skateboard wheels on roller skates it’s best to check with the manufacturer first to see if they are compatible.

Can You Use Skateboard Wheels On Roller Skates?

Yes, you can use skateboard wheels on roller skates. You may need to adjust the size of the wheel to fit your roller skate but it is possible to do so.

Skateboard wheels are typically made of a harder material than traditional roller skate wheels so they may not provide as much cushioning and support. However, they can still be used for skating if you are careful.

How Do Roller Skaters Use Skateboard Wheels?

If you are a beginner roller skater it is best to start with traditional wheels. Skateboard wheels can be used once you have mastered the basics and feel more comfortable skating.

Skateboard wheels are often used by experienced roller skaters who want to do tricks or skate in a more aggressive style. The harder material of the skateboard wheels allows for more speed and control when skating.

Skateboard wheels can make skating more fun by allowing you to do tricks and skate faster. However, you should be careful when using them, as they can be dangerous if not used properly.

Pros and Cons of Using Skateboard Wheels On Roller Skates?


  1. Gives you more control
  2. Can make skating more fun
  3. You can do tricks
  4. You can skate faster
  5. The wheels are more durable


  1. The wheels are harder so they provide less cushioning
  2. They can be dangerous if not used properly
  3. You may need to adjust the size of the wheel to fit your skate properly

Are There Any Potential Problems Using Skateboard Wheels on Roller Skates?

There are a few potential problems that could occur if someone were to use skateboard wheels on their roller skates:

  • Firstly, the hardness of the skateboard wheels may not be ideal for indoor skating surfaces which can often be softer than outdoor ones. This could lead to the wheels damaging the surface, or simply not providing as much grip as would be necessary.
  • Additionally, the size of skateboard wheels is often smaller than traditional roller skate wheels which means they might not fit onto the skate correctly or provide enough stability.
  • Finally, because skateboard wheels are designed for street skating they may not have the same level of speed and agility as purpose-built roller skating wheels.

Ultimately, it’s important to make sure you’re using the right type of wheels for your specific skating needs to avoid any potential problems.

Where Can You Find Skateboard Wheels For Roller Skates and What Should You Look for When Purchasing Them?

If you’re looking for skateboard wheels for roller skates, the best place to start is your local skate shop. However, there are a few things to keep in mind when purchasing skateboard wheels for roller skates.

  • First, make sure that the wheels you purchase are compatible with your particular type of roller skate.
  • Secondly, be sure to check the hardness of the wheel softer wheels are better for beginners while harder wheels are better for more experienced skaters.
  • Finally, keep in mind that most skateboard wheels will come in a variety of colors and designs so don’t be afraid to choose something that looks cool!

Relevant Topic: Can You Put Penny Board Wheels On A Skateboard?

FAQs – Use Skateboard Wheels On Roller Skates

How do roller skaters use skateboard wheels to improve their skating experience?

There are a few ways that roller skaters can use skateboard wheels to improve their skating experience:

  • One way is by using softer skateboard wheels which will provide a smoother ride.
  • Another way is by using larger diameter wheels which will make it easier to roll over cracks and other obstacles.

Finally, by using harder skateboard wheels roller skaters can get more speed and power out of their skating.

Can you put any size wheels on roller skates?

No, you cannot put any size wheels on roller skates. The wheel size must be compatible with the skate to work properly. Putting a larger wheel on a smaller skate can cause the wheel to come off while skating, which can be dangerous.

You can typically find out what size wheels you need for your roller skates by checking the manufacturer’s website or the skate’s user manual.

Are skateboard wheels universal?

No, skateboard wheels are not universal. The size and hardness of the wheel must be compatible with the skate to work properly.

How do I make my roller skates faster?

You can make your roller skates faster by using harder skateboard wheels. When you skate on a skateboard with hard wheels you can travel faster and have greater control. You can also use larger diameter wheels which will make it easier to roll over cracks and other obstacles.


Yes, you can use skateboard wheels on roller skates. Roller skating has been around for centuries and there are many different ways to do it. You can use inline skates, quad skates, or even rollerblades. Skateboard wheels are better for roller skating because they make it easier to turn and spin.

The most important part is finding the right wheel size for your needs. Different surfaces require different types of wheels- so make sure you have the right set! There is a lot of confusion about whether or not you can use skateboard wheels on roller skates. And the answer is… It depends. 

Some people say it’s a waste of time, while others claim that it makes skating a lot more fun. Most Rollerblade wheels are designed to fit onto standard roller skates, but some skateboard wheels may be too large or too small.

If your skateboard wheels don’t fit properly on your roller skates, they could fly off while you’re skating, which could lead to a nasty fall. 


Hi there! My name is James Harris, a professional snowboarder and an instructor but most importantly - I'm a mountain lover! Skiing is my passion and I love to spend as much time on the slopes as possible. When I'm not shredding the gear, you can find me hanging out with my wife and kids. They are my world!